June 18, 2024

Parenting and Programming: Being a Dad in Tech with Christopher Stephens

Parenting and Programming: Being a Dad in Tech with Christopher Stephens

Last weekend, we celebrated Father’s Day and incredible dads everywhere. At Atlas School, we recognize the unique journey of parents who are committed to advancing their skills and pursuing careers in technology. We are proud to spotlight Christopher Stephens, a dedicated father and student, whose drive to succeed reflects parents across the Atlas community. Read more about Chris’ story and path towards success in tech.

What motivated you to join Atlas School, and how did being a father influence that decision?

Chris: Like many others today, I've struggled to find my place in the world, and being a father adds an entirely new dimension to this journey. I've worked hard, spent a lot of time in school, but still haven't quite found a calling that is both fulfilling and providing a clear path towards growth and success. One that would allow me to give my children their brightest future. Then I found Atlas School.

The problem-solving and team-focused curriculum has been inspiring and fulfilling, and the world of tech provides ample opportunities for me to build the future I need to nurture my children's dreams.

In what ways has being a father shaped your career goals and aspirations?
Chris: Being a father is everything to me. I've always felt a drive to do my part in making the world a kinder, more compassionate place. After having kids, this drive has become paramount. I have a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and a 1 year old who are so much fun, and view the world in such unique ways. Their joy and wonder has filled me with a passion to not only achieve my goals for their futures, but to build myself up to be a better father and husband.

How has the support from your family impacted your journey through the program?
Chris: I couldn't have gotten as far as I have without them. I've made a lot of progress on myself and my motivations, and the impact my personal growth has had on my success isn't marginal. But through the toughest times, my daughter's smile, or my son's laugh, has kept me fighting and moving forward. Of course the mother of my children, my beautiful wife, has been my rock, and her words of wisdom and boundless optimism have kept me going through it all.

How has the curriculum at Atlas School helped you in achieving a work-life balance?
Chris: The self-paced structure of Atlas curriculum has been instrumental in my success. The ability to work when I want has been crucial in balancing time between my studies and my family. As we've dealt with the busy seasons of life that happen to everyone, the adaptive schedule has made it much easier to work during the slow times, and spend time with my family when it's needed most.

What advice would you give to other parents considering a career change into tech?
Chris: It's absolutely worth it, and anyone can do it. I think the thing I would remind any prospective tech-enthusiast parent of is that we are always doing our best to utilize the time we have. If you find yourself with any time that you feel could be better utilized, or if you aren't happy with your current career prospects, tech is a challenging, but deeply satisfying field. Its capacity for constant innovation has many surprising relevancies to life as a parent.

When I say that anyone can do it, I mean that nobody lacks the intelligence or inherent skill set to break into this field. With enough drive and tenacity, I truly believe anyone is capable of breaking into tech.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience at Atlas School and your journey as a father in the program?

Chris: I won't lie and say it's been easy. There have been many challenges, struggles, and obstacles. But the path to success is clear, and when it does get tough, you can always remind yourself that you are working for a better future for your most precious ones. Plus, there's nothing cuter than when your little one asks if she can help you with your school work for the 20th time in the last hour!

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